MAP Foundation
Burmese Migrant Scholarships

MAP Foundation is a grassroots (NGO) that seeks to empower migrant communities from Burma living and working in Thailand. It works towards a vision of the future where people from Burma have the right to stay securely within their home country as well as the right to migrate safely and where the human rights and freedoms of all migrants are fully respected and observed. The Migrant Assistance Program MAP received the first grants starting from SLSF in January 2013. MAP had requested support to help provide education to migrant children in the community and received scholarship grants for 272 migrant children.

As it is difficult for migrant workers to study within Thailand, MAP’s primary goal is to improve the Burmese migrant workers conditions and help provide study opportunities to migrant children. In doing so they also come local supported partner organisations across many deserving youngsters in the migrant communities. Create Your Future & SLSF look forward to continuing support for MAP projects.

  • Region
    Northern Thailand
  • Student Levels
    High School, Vocational College & University
  • Website